Founded in 1981 by Şevki Pekin, the architecture studio is led by his son Ömer Pekin since 2020.

Ömer Pekin Art Works
412 ×

Architectural Exhibition as a part of TMMOB Mimar Sinan Grand Prize

Karaköy, İstanbul, Turkey


In the scope of the 2018-2020 Mimar Sinan Grand Prize, Şevki Pekin Architecture Exhibition design was created. The jury comemorated Şevki Pekin as follows: "During these times where professionals are fighting for recognition, Şevki Pekin is a respectable person who has been designing and building since 1970's. He has been accepted in the field with his commitment to architecture rather than his work's quantity and dimension. Behind his products, we see the work he puts into architecture rather than being influenced. by contemporary trends and striking forms. "Research", which departs from his own personality and experiences, is the prominent notion in his oeuvre. Behind every work, there is a design process which continuously evolves and its best version is unceasingly sought after. For this reason, his design and buildings, reveal themselves in time and with an architectural point of view. Mimar Sinan Grand Prize has been given to Şevki Pekin, who humbly reminds us that there is a silent and unhurried relationship between architecture and the subject who creates it.

Client: Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects
